Maundy Thursday Joint Skit Service

2022.04.14 (Thu) Maundy Thursday Joint Skit Service, Living Waters Circuit Ministry

It was a really really moving moment Yesterday in remembrance of the whole life story of Jesus Christ and His messages for his twelve disciples. It was wonderful moment to listen to how each disciple felt about Jesus and His crossing ministries with the least and the lost over the race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, and class, and His true challenge for religious authority, the hypocrites, and the Pharisees. #Another_Three_In_One_Moment with Living Waters Circuit Ministry Families Thank you so much for participants from Cornerstone United Methodist Church Saco Maine, Rainbow United Methodist Church, and West Scarborough United Methodist Church families. It was just moving and memorable moment just to watch all three church families are sitting together with the scene of the Last Supper with Jesus. Dear wonderful coworkers of God – Kathy Reardon Moore, Mary Fifield, Barbara Lavigne, Sarah Reardon Goodrum and other hidden hands Thank you so much for planning, preparing, and making everything work together wonderfully and in the trinitarian way with all three churches. All of us are so blessed with your services, passion, and love for God.

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